Reason why you should vote for Bash 2020

*Vision 2020; Vote The Best Being!*

Leadership is not about the next election, it's about the next generation. Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. It can only be developed only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Political office or position cannot be held tentatively without capabilities such as intelligent trait, dexterity, ability to change situation and comprehensiveness. People would grow up animosity for a political power craver (politician) when distrust, egoism and self censure are the contents of character of such politician. Lives of people would by the way be solitary, brutish, nasty and poor when any political pundit can't comprehend and proffer holistic panacea to any political scenes and imbroglios.

       This intends that a true political pundits must behave like one; inclusively and exclusively based on contents of character, capabilities, dexterities and ability to change critical situation within the purlieus and environs. That's why, a true politician must be an experienced one, a true politician must be an altruistic one, a true politician must be a well organized one and such being must understand the true basis of humanity and development, such being must see politics as a selfless service not as business venture or competitive advantage.

          By nature, I should introduce in a formal manner the distinguished student of Taisolarin University Of Nigeria who is by competency a political commentator, a political pundit, a stateman and a political critic; his name is *Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru*. Let me even carry you along experiences lane, Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru is the son of the great political sage and economic magnate; PA Emilagba. *Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru hails from the vast land of North Central, Kwara State. He has held consecutive political positions like  as at then in Kwara state as the vice president of His college (IICT) Institute of Information communication Technology. Polytechnic, Ilorin.
 He assumed the  General Governor for  COSMAS 200 level. Also, he is a intending barrister in an advance level; he administers cases and he is an expert in exploring, analysing and proffering possible solution to any problems that can hinder students in general attainment of desires. He is an economic expert whilst human rights activist and an agitating egalitarianist. Students in general regard him and gave him the Face of COSMAS 18/19 sets, which defines him as the person to be honestly in that position of power and authority for the attainment of initiatives development and realization of Social Sciences student's goals, visions and missions.

     Conclusively, I would urge every distinguished lady and gentlemen of Taisolarin University Of Nigeria to exercise their voting powers discreetly – vote for the right person with the traits, ingredients and requisites. Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru, he is the right choice let us mobilize ourselves and vote him in, let us support him and laud his endless efforts and let await his humane kindnesses and toil of services for development and prosperity across the environs of our dear college. It is glaring, All voting are sort of gaming ,like checkers or backgammon, with a slight moral tinge to it, a playing with right and wrong. Let decide the right person with the contents, don't let us allow the prevail of few people's ignorances to impair the security of all. Let vote for principality, principle, intellectual property, capabilities and dexterity, for which Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru has it all.  The future of Taisolarin University COSMAS relies on you Tasuedites; you've the power in you, with you and you are incumbent on exercising it by voting in power the right person for the humanity job and services. Voting can change the negative part status quos of *COSMAS,COSIT,COHUM,COVTED,COSPED* let vote distinctively and be part of the advocators of progress and development. To this end, I should say and you should say – Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru is the best, leave the rest. Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru is the rjght choice, let us go ahead and raise our voices emitting this! Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru, one name, one legend, best of all bidders!  Because you are worth it, 2,3,4,5,6 who do we designate?
Let us vote Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru in power, don't hesitate, he has been doing the job let him continue the humanitarian services for humankinds. He is a person that put outsiders first before insiders or family, he allows no sentiment when it comes to discretion and judgement makings. A vote for him is a vote for progress and prosperity, to represent us! A vote works wonders, let us vote for him decisively! Let us Bank on him, he will treasure our votes. vote. Let be his advocates, vote for this pundit . Bringing back hope. Building a Road to Tomorrow.
Called to Greatness. Cast your ballot, have you heard? Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru for the job vision 2020, spread the word!
Cast your ballot, have you heard? Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru for the realization of Itesiwaju Tasued Ajumose , spread the word!
Champion of the people. Change for the better. Decisions you can trust.
Dependable Leadership.
Discover the Possibilities.
Don’t be a loser, be a chooser.
Don’t Be Hesitant. Vote Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru for the the great trajectory and mission.
Don’t be shy, Give Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru a try.
Don’t gloat, put in your vote. Vote for Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru!
Don’t throw your vote away, vote for Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru today and forever! Don’t vote for them they don’t know what to do. Vote for him and he’ll MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.
Dream big. Everyone is someone to him. Everyone says, Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru for the job!
Excellence personified.
Experienced Leadership.
Faster, Better, Stronger.
Feel like you should have a say? Vote Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru today and forever!
For Success Choose The Best.
Fostering the people. Friends to all.
Full of good ideas. Get fresh ideas from a freshman: Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru. Getting results. Getting things done.
Gifted Leader. Giving you the choice. Go the extra mile vote Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru for job; vision 2020 and I guarantee he`ll make you smile. Going Farther. You deserve better. You want something done, *Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru* is the one!!! You’ve seen the best now choose the best, let us vote for him.
Your Choice, your Education, your life, your school, our time is now a; let us vote the right man!
Your future awaits. Your voice on council. Your voice, your choice. He is ready to put in toil of services and hard work for progressiveness. Take it from me, every vote counts; let make it a reality in 2020. *Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru* is the right person; let be guided and vote someone with intellectual quotient, specialize vision, quantities, dexterity and kindness. Thank you, I'm a firm supporter of *Emilagba Bisoye Bashiru*, what about you? Join me and let do the job together for together we can realize a great ambition!

 _Written By: Wordsworth T.S.O_

Contact MORAHBOSS blogspot on wathapp @ 09091611842


Unknown said…
Go for it bro 🤩
Unknown said…
Because he is humble and I think he is the best
Unknown said…
Morahboss blogs thanks brother

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